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Sustainable Food Guide
Environmental Practice at Work © 2005 Link:EP@W Ltd Web Site


 List of Assurance Schemes...

Organic farming is controlled by EC Regulation 2092/1991 (as amended). It sets out the inputs and practices which may be used in organic farming and growing, and the inspection system to ensure these. This Regulation also applies to processing, processing aids and ingredients in organic foods. The approved body in the UK for authorising organic certification bodies is the UK Register of Organic Food Standards (UKROFS) - a full list of authorised bodies in the UK, EU and EU recognised third countries.

Little Red Tractor
British Farm Standard ensures that farmers and growers produce food to meet a set of standards of good agricultural practice. (Explain more). The UK has over 75,000 farmers in this assurance scheme supplying between 65% and 90% of produce for the mai commodities. There are nine different assurance schemes, covering six sectors of production; beef and lamb, pork, poultry, dairy, vegetables, cereals and oilseeds. (See Little Red Tractor site for links to these sectors) (or should we link direct?) (List of all Assurance Schemes that can sign up for Glossary?)

All aspects of the production process are checked, from animal movements to housing, feed, animal health and welfare, and the care for the countryside. But it is hard to know quite what is looked for. The Little Red Tractor logo does not mean that the food is made in Britain (Procurement Policy).

The Curry Commission recommended that the Red Tractor should be a baseline standard that all food should attain, and that the standards underpinning it need to be owned by the whole food chain and managed by Assured Food Standards on their behalf. The Government agrees

ACCS (Assured Combinable Crops Scheme).
Covers all crops that are combined - cereals grown for human and animal consumption. Environmental standards are above legal minimum and producers are required to restrict chemical application. Applies only to England and Wales.

APS - Assured Produce Scheme (horticulture)
Scheme covers all types of fresh produce and potatoes grown in the UK. They set standards based on integrated crop management (ICM). ICM reduces chemical use by predicting pest attackes and using a variety of biological controls.

Lion Quality Scheme (Eggs)
Scheme is UK wide and was developed to reduce salmonella in eggs. All major retailers specify Lion Eggs. Currently covers 95% free range, organic and barn eggs and 75% of cage eggs.

EUREPGAP is designed to help producers of fresh fruits and vegetables improve food quality and safety, biodiversity, and make more efficient use of natural resources, minimum use of pesticides and fertilisers and worker health and safety.

RSPCA Freedom Foods
This scheme sets standards to promote higher animal welfare in food production. It is independent of the food and livestock industry and covers on-farm production, transport and slaughter. It makes no claims for environmental standards.

LEAF (Linking Environment and Farming)
LEAF marque is designed to help farmers improve their environment and business performance and create a better public understanding of farming through a nationwide network of demonstration farms. It's standard is based on 'Integrated Farm Management'(IFM), which integrates beneficial natural processes into modern farming practices using advanced technology.

Barn Eggs
must come from poultry enterprises where hens are stocked at a density of no more that 9 birds per square metre. The building must have 15cm of perching for every bird.

Fair-trade Mark
The Soil Association and the Fairtrade Foundation are offering retailers to use the Fairtrade stamp if they pay farmers enough to cover the "sustainable cost of production".

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