'Sustainable' Food is
healthier for People and the
Double Burden: There are now over a billion
people in the world who go hungry - about
the same number who are overweight
The WHO calls this "the double burden" and they
are both linked through
"Cheap" food ignores health and the
environment. 'Sustainable' food takes into account
environmental, health and social concerns.

www.sln.org.uk/geography/ |
Global Warming: Farming & Food production
together make up about 1/5th of UK & World
Greenhouse Gases(Stern
Report & others)
Land: The UK 'Food Footprint' is 5X the size
of the UK
(What, Why, Who, How)
Other concerns: energy use, (ca
10 calories used to produce one food calorie),,water (20 Niles
flown out of Africa), biodiversity(few
crop strains instead of diverse range), and
What does "sustainable food" mean?
"Sustainable" food means different things to
each of us, as we seek to balance emerging food issues
about various health, environmental and social
concerns. When producing food, we need to use
less finite resources like oil, and emit less
greenhouse gases (Environmental), treat
those in food chain better (Social),
and make money for further
investment(Economic). Sustainable
foodencouarges debates and dilemmas such as food miles or local,
organic v GM, ethical & fair trade, land & labour, climate change & carbon labelling, cheap v quality (assured), health & environment, biodiversity v
monoculture, veggie & animal welfare? On
this site, we try to deal with these
dilemmas at all levels, from consumer choice to
government policy, but mainly at the level of your
organisation. Two more Definitions
& Principles
How does sustainable food relate with "Food
Food Security is
according to FAO: "when everybody has access to
sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their
dietary needs and food preferences" (more definitions). Recent food prices may just a blip or
the signal of long term issues. Food securuty and
sustainability are certainly rising up the political
agenda; witness the UK government's Food
for the Future - a response to the EFRA Select Committee Report that
said we should produce "more food, more sustainably"
and the Sustainable
Development Commission Report saying that
sustainability and security are "a perfect fit".
Then there is nutrition...
The world bank
says: “The relationship between
agriculture and human nutrition is far more complex
than …the economic relationship between food
supply and food demand”. "Food is not a commodity
like others" says Bill Clinton - it
cannot be left to the whims of the markets. The World
Health Organisation spells out how to produce food
more sustainably - ie is healthier for people and
the planet.
To find out
more about what sustainable food means, click
WhatWhy, How.
For latest
developments see our News page, our Reports page and special
feature on 1st 100 days of Coalition
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